With a union we not only fight for our rights, but the rights of our patients.QUALITY HEALTHCARE
With a union we not only fight for our rights, but the rights of our patients.

Having a union means you & your coworkers get a seat at the table.A VOICE AT WORK
Having a union means you and your coworkers get to sit down with management.

With a union nurses can create a safe and secure work environment.SAFETY & SECURITY
Having a union means no nurse should fear for their safety while saving lives.Answers to Some Commonly Asked Questions
News & Press
‘We Feel Exuberant, Amazing’: St. Vincent Hospital Nurses Vote to Keep Union with Mass. Nurses Association
The Massachusetts Nurses Association will stay at St. Vincent Hospital, after nurses voted 302 to 133 in favor of retaining the union. “We feel exuberant, amazing. Totally vindicated and ready to move forward,” Marlena Pellegrino, a longtime nurse and co-chair of the bargaining unit said in an interview following Monday's vote count. [...]
New Bedford Nurses Win Union Contract After Lengthy Labor Dispute
Nurses at St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford ratified their first union contract on Friday, bringing an end to a three-year dispute over working conditions and wages. For much of the pandemic, nurses at St. Luke’s, the city's largest employer, earned less than their peers at nearby hospitals, according to [...]
Listen to Your Nurses: We Need Relief on the Front Lines
I have worked as a pediatric ICU nurse at Westchester Medical Center for more than seven years. Patients from a five-county region come to our hospital, including our children’s hospital and level I trauma center. We provide intensive and specialty care to some of the most vulnerable patient populations. Understaffing [...]
‘Nurses Have Finally Learned What They’re Worth’
In the early morning on Mother’s Day in 2020, Solomon Barraza walked into an intensive-care unit in Amarillo, Texas, and, with the fluorescent lights clicking on above him after the night shift, flipped through the stack of papers attached to a gray clipboard — his roster of patients and nurses [...]
Standing Together for a Better Future
By uniting in a union, workers gain a seat at the table to negotiate with our employers on issues like pay rates, healthcare coverage, retirement benefits, and other matters related to our jobs. Together, we stand up to make sure workers share in the success we help create.
We are nearly 40,000 Strong, Join Us!
Northeast Nurses Association is building power for nurses. When nurses stand together we can improve our lives. But that’s not all, when you stand with your coworkers as a union you can win real improvements for quality care for our patients!
Many of our union contracts have negotiated language protecting both nurses and patients with staffing guidelines.